"How are WE creating change in a(n) ___ way?" These short-format presentations highlight a variety of work from around North America. A goal of ACD is to ensure that community design professionals are well-supported in a welcoming and inclusive community. These presenters bring a range of experiences and approaches forward to share with the ACD audience with the hope of connecting to peers, finding partners, and leading efforts in building equity. 

Friday, October 20
3:00 PM - 3:40 PM

Featuring Ana Mengote Baluca, IDSA, Bahareh Rana Javadi, Jennifer Chan, and Nicolette Stosur-Bassett

The Folly of Paper Straws, Urinals, and Leapfrogging Innovation
Presented by Ana Mengote Baluca, IDSA

How to Bring Democratic Decision-Making to Authentic Community Engagement
Presented by Bahareh Rana Javadi

Future Happens Here
Presented by Jennifer Chan

Branding an Equitable Built Environment
Presented by Nicolette Stosur-Bassett


Saturday, October 21
2:00 PM - 3:10 PM

Featuring Maria Katticaran, Rishika Dhawan and Bianca Sanchez of CultureHouse, Dejia (Dai) Danhi, Daniel Splaingard, Anthena Gore, and Durell Coleman

Uniting Perspectives: An Urban Professional's Experience as a Community Advocate
Presented by Maria Katticaran

From Vacant to Vibrant: How to Create a Pop-Up Community Space
Presented by Rishika Dhawan and Bianca Sanchez of CultureHouse

Lessons from Baltimore
Presented by Dejia (Dai) Danhi

Design/Build/Work/Study: Creating the Shelter Cottage at Mississippi Valley State University
Presented by Daniel Splaingard

Using Design to Uplift Community in Citywide Decarbonization Efforts
Presented by Anthena Gore

What If We Build Black Wealth Instead? How to Truly Create Lasting Change in Communities
Presented by Durell Coleman